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And now a word from Fred

I recently had the extreme pleasure of watching the movie "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood." I settled in for a feel-good movie to lose myself in and had to pause it ten minutes in to get out my trusty notepad and start writing some of the words down.

First of all, I give it ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.

It is so wholesome and refreshing to see this kind of movie happen in today's world. I usually have to glaze my eyes and ears past all the crap to get to the real premise of a show.

Fred Rogers was a peaceful Christian man who showed love to just about anyone he crossed paths with. He's not perfect, he's not God, but you can see he is a man of God. Sadly he died of cancer in 2003 but his words live on. He left a legacy using kindness in words and actions that are a great example of doing kingdom work while we are here on earth.

I couldn't help but wonder how a man like him would respond to all that we are going through today. The pandemic, escalating addictions, and the economy are a few that come to mind. I'm, curious the most about how Fred Rogers would speak into someone suffering from addiction. After copying some quotes from the movie and looking a few more up I see many we can learn from.

This one reminds us of the work we need to do to stay in recovery. Not just from a substance, but anything we are doing that just doesn't suit us well. Anything that gives you the negative thought that you must stop something. You need to discover the truth about who God made you to be. When I was trapped in the snare of daily drinking I knew with everything in me that this was not who God created me to be. Yet, here I was living the addiction nightmare anyway.

I started doing the work to overcome my addiction and I agree with Fred, it is a lifetime's work. I still discover things about myself that startle me. Things that bring to my attention that God is at work on this ongoing project called Sherry. His work in us is never done as long as we are on this earth. When I start to stray away he gently pulls me back and shows me the truth I need to get back on track.

How true is this one this past year! The shrapnel of the Covid-19 bomb continues to spray on all of us but yet there is so much beauty we can take pride in. People stepping up to help when needed-even when it was out of their comfort zone. The connection to others suffering from addiction has been huge. The opportunity to meet via Zoom is much less daunting than meeting in a coffee shop. The ability to communicate from a screen has given so many the courage to reach out and ask for help. I don't believe I have ever felt the community strength in Recovery as I have this past year. It is easy to see now that God was laying the groundwork for some things to happen in 2020.

We have all been stressed by the fear of the unknown. What lies ahead in 2021. We assume it's going to be better but what if it's not? Are we equipped to get through another possibly harder year? I hadn't thought of this until I watched a Christmas Eve service where the pastor pointed out that this is a real possibility. No matter what happens Philippians 4:19 tells us “And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” (NLT) I mean why would I ever doubt that the Lord would not provide for His people? He has been doing just that for his people since the beginning of time. The Bible is filled with the stories of God's provision and the same goes for my life story and yours. It may not be easy at times but know this; He will make a way through this. Whatever your hurt or struggle is today. You are going to be okay.

I want to leave you with my favorite quote from Mr. Rogers. What a different world we have in front of us in 2021 if we just decided to be kind.

I will do my best, how about you?

Blessing on your New Years!



I created the She Surrenders Community because it’s what I longed for during my own journey—a space for Christian women to find connection and support from others who understand. My prayer is that this community blesses you as deeply as it has blessed me.

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© 2024 Created by She Surrenders

Disclaimer: "I, or any other women you may interact with while engaging in the She Surrenders community, are not licensed therapists, nor do we claim to be. We share with you our addiction experiences and the knowledge and firm beliefs we have in Jesus Christ. The information on this site is intended for use with these facts in mind. We encourage you to seek professional therapy, along with engaging with the She Surrenders community, and use the resources provided here to aid you in your recovery." 

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