Happy Fourth of July Weekend!

My absolute favorite summer holiday. It represents everything summer to me; family, parades, picnics with great food, and a day that is usually a joyful one as we celebrate our freedom.
We celebrate American Independence Day on the Fourth of July every year. July 4, 1776 is a day that represents the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States of America as an independent nation. I don’t want the reason why we celebrate to get lost among the festivities, so honor your freedom as an American! Wave that flag!
I also want to remember the freedom we have to worship in this country. It is one to value when so many people in this world are not free to worship our God.

Oh and one more thing about the Fourth of July. It is my Dad’s birthday so we always had a duo celebration! Yes, literally born on the Fourth of July and still a firecracker. Love you, Dad!

Next week we pick back up our summer series and we will be talking about Step 4. Hint, it involves taking a moral inventory. That might be why I need an extra week! Have a great weekend everyone!