I am on vacation in a beautiful place. One where the creation I am seeing, is beyond anything I have ever seen of His handiwork. The verse above was nothing even remotely close to how I used to live on vacation. My verse would have (and this is from the book of Sherry, not the Bible) would have gone something like this, "Live each day on this vacation to the fullest! Fulfill all your selfish desires and do whatever feels good in the moment. You can deal with the consequences when you get home." Sound familiar? Sadly, it does to me.
Now I try to live each day to the fullest when I'm on vacation, but I do it by seeking God first in allI do. I mean, how can I not appreciate Him and all He has done for me as I am surrounded with such amazing beauty all around me? Yes, I realize this is a bit easier when I am away from the cold and grey of Michigan winter, but vacationing so far away from home makes me very aware of how BIG our God is. He is the same no matter where I am. It is me that determines how I will feel today, what I will appreciate, and what I will seek Him in. He never changes and probably gets a little miffed with me when I change my commitment to Him according to the weather.
So, today, I challenge you to find beauty no matter where you are. Even in the month of January. Draw strength from it and be in awe of Him who created the beauty you find. When I get back to Michigan, I know I will be challenged in this as well. However, while I am here in this place, I am going to do life big and experience everything I possibly can.
I am grateful for every morning I wake up hangover free, both here and at home. I thank God for that beauty alone every day.
My message is brief this week and I had thought about taking a little hiatus, but this was on my mind. I was in quite a rut, before I left, and I want to try to do winter a little better when I get back. Sorry! I forgot to mention where I am, enjoying all this beauty. I'll give you a hint.

Thankful, Grateful, Blessed,
Peace on your weekend!