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Something is brewing here at She Surrenders!

Writer's picture: Sherry HoppenSherry Hoppen

Ok yes, it's coffee because there must always be coffee, right!?

I want to share with you what's going on here and how you can be a part of it. Honestly, I need you to be a part of it or it won't happen.

Thanks to the overwhelming response to the last four weeks of Tuesday Testimonies on the blog, we are going to expand on this a little more.

Wait for it...

A She Surrenders Podcast! Gulp! Excuse me while I lose my lunch. Just kidding, ok maybe a little. I said I wasn't going to add to my plate...

but I am for a few reasons and I wanted to share them with you here.

Back in the day when I was struggling to get sober, stay sober, and everything else that goes with that overwhelming idea, I listened. I listened all the time to anything relatable to my own conundrum that I was in. To be perfectly honest I would listen to men and women telling their hard story and hope that I would hear that one nugget from someone that would fix my drinking problem forever. While I didn't hear the magic cure I was looking for I did hear something else:

  • That recovery is possible

  • I need God now more than ever

  • The people I heard talk about recovery, with the help of their faith (when I could find one) seemed to be really sober strong

  • These stories gave me so much hope

  • It made me realize I was not as unique as I thought I was 🤔 and that others had done many of the same crazy things I had

  • Most importantly, I was not alone

So this is going to happen sooner than later. I have heard more cries for help in the past 6 months than ever and while I can't change the world, I can make a contribution, and so can you. I want you to share the hard story of your own faith walk through addiction and it doesn't have to be from alcohol only. Share your poison and let it help someone else. Eating disorders, addictions to anything, the list is endless.

Maybe you are not the addict, but your spouse, child, parent, or friend is and you want to share from your point of view. It can and will help someone else going through the same thing. Share what God has done for you to give hope to someone else.

This podcast can become the voice of faith-based recovery. Let's do this. It's time.

If you are interested in sharing your story please write to me at and put podcasts in the subject line. Just so you know, you do not have to use your name. I will protect your anonymity 100%. Totally your choice. I want to tell you too that whether or not you do this anonymously it will help more people than you will ever know, including you. There is so much freedom in sharing your story because then this hard thing in your life is now being used to help someone else. God never wastes a hurt and this goes for yours as well. So if you are feeling compelled, I suggest you talk to Him about it and reach out to me if you decide this is something you should do. Genesis 50:20 NIV confirms it.

Peace and Blessings on your weekend,


PS Did I mention there is a gift waiting for you when you participate???

PSS Say a prayer for my IT Everything Girl-

To say I am not an easy student would be an understatement

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I created the She Surrenders Community because it’s what I longed for during my own journey—a space for Christian women to find connection and support from others who understand. My prayer is that this community blesses you as deeply as it has blessed me.

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© 2024 Created by She Surrenders

Disclaimer: "I, or any other women you may interact with while engaging in the She Surrenders community, are not licensed therapists, nor do we claim to be. We share with you our addiction experiences and the knowledge and firm beliefs we have in Jesus Christ. The information on this site is intended for use with these facts in mind. We encourage you to seek professional therapy, along with engaging with the She Surrenders community, and use the resources provided here to aid you in your recovery." 

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