The morning came and along with it grey, gloomy, rain. I’m not going to lie, this morning was longer than any I’ve had to get through in a while. Then, at about 1:00, the sun came out and so did the surgeon to tell us that Otto came through surgery with the best outcome possible. When he started, he could see this little guy's heart was in worse shape than he thought but he was able to fix it all. The hole, the valve. One and done. If all goes well from here on, this kiddo is on his way to a full recovery. They still have a long road of healing ahead to get him there, but that’s okay.
Thank you so much for all your prayers. For your texts and calls. For lifting Otto and family in prayer to the Mighty God we serve. They have been heard and we are full of gratitude. I was able to see Otto for the first time around 4:00 pm today. I certainly didn’t expect to but I was so grateful to see him!
I looked past all the tubes and machines as I focused on one thing: his breathing. It was steady and calm, he wasn’t sweating and he looked so comfortable. Thank you God for guiding the surgeon and his team to repair Otto’s heart so well.
"For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations." - Psalm 100:5
Lord willing, blog will be back next week. Thank you again for all your prayers,