My dear friend Michelle Medlock Adams co authored a book about Moms. For Moms new and old along with insight for Gigi’s, Mimi’s and of Honeys. Those last two titles are what my grand boys have assigned me and it brings me inexplicable joy. This whole holiday season can be rough on us Moms (and Grandmas’s) right? Ok, what season isn’t rough on Moms lol. Tune in for some uplift this morning for an interview with yours truly and I will be back here this weekend with some holiday insight for the party goers and hostess‘s. It s all starting!!!
To tune in at 10:00 am this morning, here is the link to the website
John 15:11. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full!
Happy Friday and be sure to find some joy in whatever you are doing today!
Here is the link to the book as well, its a beautiful hardcover that makes a great Christian gift!